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Bob Hickman illustrated as a buff minion working for fedex as that is what he does

In all seriousness, Bob is very mentaly unwell and satan is controling him, Remember to love jesus!

Since bob shows his behind alot, im assuming he is addicted to porn, If your in the same fate as him, please search easy peasy method, And stop your porn addiction!

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Ministry Of Dreams

Ministry Of Dreams, ministryofdreams, MINISTRYofDREAMS, the ministry of dreams

look at sexy body god entered on youtube
God enters into my body, as a Ghostly body, my same size, and shows me visions of spirits that look like people and they said: 2-27-2011-hollie cried and complained, this is hollie, telling that vision, like a white head, said another, God said, hollie slapped, its the top of her, another hollie said, head, pointed, JEsus, but spoke hollie, hollie showed, record, she wore uh red sweatshirt, and I we stamp, its, hollie, she said, another, hollie appears, like, its round head, its blue pointed, hollie, wearing, same red sweatshirt, bob, git food, hollie spoke, she said, thats hollie getting the, its hard drive, she said, its flash drive, she found, bob hollie spoke, hollie played his music, bob he said, this is uh she hollie, thats uhleeem suhleen said, hollie, it hollie said a new one, she spoke, wiped her lips, wore uh, God said, dark red sweat shirt, bob, she said, its, a new, its billy, said, its little nell, hollie said, put it under, thats still watched, loved, hollie said, its, the, rocky horror picture show, thats, them appearing, singing and dancing, hollie said, who danced, God spoke, hollie said, like one of the rocky horror picture showe characters, put it under, hollie said, showed, eat, 3-6-2011-hollie showed post on twitter, its him said uh hollie, put it under she said, wearing uh red sweatshirt, its he hollie playing his music, whats his word she said, you got some he said, its bob and sandy having sex a she hollie said, it was uh dream, night vision said hollie, sandy came out into a.a. Meeting, saw bob but left, dream said hollie, janette kept chasing after other men, hollie claps, looking at bob wearing, skirt God said, bob come on, said, it, hollie, said another, wearing, its uh red sweatshirt, but, first hollie wore, its, white plad coat, showed, her, its, she said, light watch, hollie showed, leaving, but, found its hard flash drive, showed, thats hollie wearing, its uh plad coat, said, Gods, hammering hollie, like, its, round head, blue, its, not, dark, but, not light pointed, hollie, wearing her light, colored plad coat, and blue clothes, but, not, dark, thats, the, twitter ministry of dreams, angel, like, dinosaur shaped light head angel, but, somewhat silhouette, had black whiskers, i'm, the ministry of dreams, angel said, thats hollie posting on, its, uh laptop cellphone computer, thats popes face appearing, on, like, happy angel but head shaped like little horn, i'm the beast, said, its light figure, hollie spoke, but pope came out, tear up, said, the, antichrist pope like angel of light, hollie showed, bob, come on, she said, showed, walk, had on her, its uh plad coat, but Gods hammer hollie appeared, agin, hollie spoke, bob, come on, show me, said, it, hollie, another said, someone stamped, but only his light happy face appeared, its, theres blue hollie said, she, walked into, its, the, catholic church, i'm the beast, said, its pope, popon, hollie said, like happy angel, hollie flew in his, its red, pointed, hollie, wearing plad coat, but had lighted finger, spacesoarer f-15 rocket, dropped, bombs, its, into over, that, hollie said, taiwan burned, hollie was, happy but just, looked forward, he, told made me, he said, pointed at Jesus, thats, God asking him if he wants to do the part, yes he shook, but faced changed, that hu hintao appearing, and, its, light swords, hollie, said, she had with with colored plad coat and hintao had blue light sword, but she turned into, its him, she said, like Gods, peg battering hollie, fought hintao, let me said, another hollie, flying out, its old world war one, fighter jet, drops bombs, its, repelled, there showed, hands, but hollie started appearing but it was him, same hollie that flew rocket jet, hollie showed, picture, its popon she said, tear up, hey another, hollie said, coming out, pointed, its whole new world order, appearing, in picture, its hu hintao, its, let me, he said, putin, medvedev shakes, yes, thats chavez looking stunned but agreeing, lula shakes yes, but stunned, castrol, let me put it there, he said, but, showed, no way, thats, medvedev signing, its uh deal, he said, thats nicaraguan president acting like for but showed, lets git away, he said, thats, mexican president agreeing but terrified, theres kim jong, agreeing but giving his son charge, thats son pressing nuclear button, thats rocket, leaving, its north korea, with, its new ministry of dreams, website on, and like uh hollie, thats nuclear fire and other fires in china, and south korea, thats rocket leaving russia, thats red with, its serpent on with seven heads and ten horns, thats ten horns like ten lighted heads, one had crown on, let me said, head, thats, north korea, exploding, thats, two tomahawk missiles coming out of, its ocean, thats captain hollie, prowling, its los angeles class, thats what you want, needed she said, thats two minor explosions in, north korea, whew let me, spoke, him, its, said, she hollie, and, lighted shaft pointed, but another, she hollie appeared, hollie showed, bob eat, thats hollie with Jesus inside showing record, and I stamp, he said, thats beast, pope, his black horse, hollie showed, post on twitter and twitter ministry of dreams angel appears, like, its dinosaur shaped, its light, hollie, said, silhouette faced twitter ministryofdreams angel but features started dimly appearing, boo chanted, its, him, uh she hollie said, many, him, she said, he hollies, but, one, lighted, hollie, but changed into, him, its, she said, but, he wore maids clothes, this is uh warning, lets do something, hollie said, thats, him, said, uh she hollie, showing, post, on, its cellphone laptop t.v., thats popes image on screen, its said, hollie, take it, said, its, popon, did say, thats people lined up, its to receive their mark of the, antichrist beast, hollie said, thats 666 tattood, on, its forehead, thats popes face, on chest, on, finger, what did my popon say, hollie said, thats popes image talking, but, changed, hollie showed, turn, but hand not seen, but was there, hollie showed, turn, but, showed, keep going, had lighted bear paws, which that were red, tear up, he said, showed, its popes picture, hey said, another, hollie coming out, its, hu hintao, appearing, in, its, picture, thats both beasts, hollie said, you see these two, she said, they will want to rule the world hollie did say, go to goodwill, thats hollie walking around, its, goodwill, wearing, its plad coat, hollie showed, turn, its, japanese warfare, said, hollie, showed, big nuclear explosion in center of america and missiles leaving america striking, its hollie said, russia, burned, get ready for, the, marine corp. out in the streets, clapped the tap dancers, its many hollies lined up holding hands, they wore dresses and clothes, he and she, thats angel guard protecting looking angry, its, looting angel said, hollie was there, people ran, thats, dreading barack obama, its economic collapse, hollie spoke, but they kept running, hollie had plad coat on, which was, blue, thats animals eating food, clapped the tap dancer, its lighted hollie, me she said, hollie said, wearing, its uh red plad coat, but changed into, its him, Gods hammer, its peg hollie, a blue hollie, hollie showed, turn, but keep going, hey, said, a, she hollie, coming out, his hand hidden but was there, but changed from, its blue to red like, its, like, c-chaped, thats hollie flying in his, its copter, thats, america below exploding, angel hanged by rope, he said, she hollie, thats many n.a.t.o. countries burning and russia on fire, its, on bobby, the pilot hollie said, hey a she hollie said, day of the Lord, smoke rose, to, block, thats moon looking, stunned, and sun happy, its i'm, thats both sitting at, its Gods interviewing table, but moons face kept changing, its, said, hollie, a component stereo system, thats v.u. meters moving, they are accurate bobby, just say hi, hollie said, thats hollie saying hi, to, its sandy, she doesnt want you, she said, go home and sleep, jumpy hollie said, and, showed, pope in the fire, thats, hollie kneeling before, hollie showed, lay down, had like gloved, lighted hands,

God promises to send a storm after me dream. 9/10/2017. in this dream. I was inside an old house I used to own. this is the house that God came into my body, as a body, the same size. my sister was there laying on a couch. others were there. perhaps owner and wife. I was outside, at nextdoor neighbors house, and I saw the storm coming. the sky was like black smoke, and there was like a tornado approaching. the wind was getting stronger. there was a tall tree in front of tornado, like in its path. I ran to my old home, but it was a corner house, and on the sidewalk, there was a box that belonged to me, perhaps had papers and other things in. I started to run for the box, and across the street another tornado wasx born. it was tall and narrow in size, like the other, but, the people inside the house were yelling out me to forget the box, and come inside. I did. I went into the house, and I said something to Jackie. I looked out the front door, and saw the tornado get to the very tall tree, and the tree was like exploding, like a tidal wave coming out me.
im in trouble-dream received 3-4-2020-in this dream, I am laying on a roof, on tall house, and it is night. roof is steep, so im sliding down. Im trying to use my feet to push myself back up, because I was high up, but im sliding down, to point feet start going over edge. im saying things in heart.
christianity will never be the same since God entered the desireable body of bob hickman
(384)is the president sell our oil-vision received 8-16-2005-I was asking Jesus something about gas prices and if the president was selling our oil, and in visions, God has showed me a spirit that looked like this president and he said things like, "I sold", "thats it", and maybe, it's iran", "need money".
(385)security guard-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like this security guard and he said things like, "catch him", "we know".
(386)may have to leave Church again-vision received 8-15-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "leave the bedroom".
(387)(388)warn people-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "tell people".
(389)blaspheme against the Holy Ghost-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "devil said". Seek to get blaspheme removed.
(389)cut off-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "cut me off", He looked young.
(390)cut off-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "cut off".
(391) (392)man-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like man and he said things like, "dumitrus a prophet", and I saw a spirit that looked similar to dumitru and he said things like, "and exprophet", "evangelists".
(393)revelations-vision received 8-28-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said things like, "don't come near me", "got a whippin", "cut off".
(216)attack on iran coming-visions recieved 8-30-2005-I saw a Man and He said, "president", and then I saw this president and he said, "attack IrAn".
(217)help-vision recieved 9-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "please help me", "I'm moody", "please".
(218)brother dell-vision recieved 9-4-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like brother del and he said something like, "stay right with it", and maybe, 'i'ma witch", 'I want your money", and maybe, "on my death certificate", and maybe, "adulterer", and maybe, "didn't want Jesus".
(219)the many nations of poliburo-vision recieved 10-11-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like putin and he said things like, cuba is politburo, oil , politburo is cuba, nicaragua, russia, and dumitru said, china, is pakistan, and I saw the president of pakistan and he said, thats it, and kristina said something like, missiles everywhere, and putin said, is russia, china, cuban missile crisis, prepared, is cuba, nicaragua, russia, and I saw fox, and he said, mexico, and hu said, leave out china, and conel gadafi said, libya is politburo, and hollie said, from russia, from checkosylvokia, and I heard, checkoslyvokia is politburo, north korea is politburo, and hollie said, politburo is 17 nations, and putin said, politburo is the united states and japan.
(220)north korea-vision recieved 10-2005 God has showed me a spirit that looked like the president of north korea and he said, how we hit korea, when japan, , and putin said, when japan hits russia, russia will destroy japan, japan becomes china, and putin said, there under
(270)don't think you know everything that is going on-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw russian president putin and he said something like, "they may not publish".
(271)cannot be saved-visions received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw the president, founder, etc. of one of the biggest prophecy ministries in america and he said something like, "cut me off". I saw a woman and she said, "I've been cut off".
(272)timing belt really needs changed-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision I saw and heard, "timing belt" which in on my car and I heard this something like this, "it's the original". They are supposed to be changed at 60000 miles and my car has over 94000 mile on it.
(273)invitation-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "come".
(274)warn people-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a Jesus and HE said something like, "warn My people". He had graying brown hair. I also saw dumitru duduman in a vision and he said, "you need to tell".
(274)you will probably not have an excuse when you cross paths with me-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you know what you've done".
(275)sponsered by Ty Cobb-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision I saw the words "ty Cobb" and I heard "sponsored by ty cobb.
(276)some people around the world are sufferring-vision recieved 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw a little boy who looked like he was suffering, and he said something like, "were sufferring".
(277)pay my bail-vision received 1-8-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "pay my bail".
(278)to me-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "don't cry over me".
(279)eat kraft cheese, but not the cheeseball-visions received about 1-2005-in one vision, Jesus showed me to quit eating the cheeseball similar to one you would het at hickory farms. IN the other vision He showed me to eat the kraft cheese like you buy that is in a box that is one big piece that you cut. I saw like a white angel in a vision and HE said, "It's true".
(87)sold-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like bill clinton and he said something like, "I sold it", and something like, "cruise missile", and I just saw a Man and He said, "you ain't gonna stop'em". (88)Christian-vision received 8-16-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "Christian". (89)
(208)the Door still open if you want to get saved-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he was bent over and possibly messing with this door and I heard, "the Doors is not locked", and I just heard a childs voice, "true".
(209)white castle-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said soemthing like, "picked you up at white castle".
(210) ( 211)hollie moody-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, 'i need you", "your replaced", "Lets replace", "tell Jesus Cut me off".
(212)pray-vision recieved 9-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said, 'pray".
(213)radio-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me the word, "radio".
(214)I'm apostolic-vision received 8-20-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like me and I said, "I'm apostolic".
(280)some people don't want to hear the truth-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said something like, "don't say that".
(281)it's interesting-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "your interesting".
(282)nations are after oil-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "oil". In another vision I saw her and she said "let it start". Prayer can delay.
(283)kevin-vision received 1-14-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "kevin".
(284)watchman radio-visions received 1-14-2005-in this vision, it was dark and I saw like a flashlite come on and the line shined on the words, "watchman radio". And I saw the man twice in visions that works at and or owns it and in one or both he said, "give me a call". I also just saw a man with black hair in a vision and he said, "that liar". I did talk with him about going on that program once before, but, I don't remember committing to it. I believe I was very cautious to committing to going on until I got permission from Jesus, and He never gave it. I don't know if I have permission to go on now, and I don't ever remember saying to them that I would, but, I wanted to. I believe that they thought from our conversation that I was going on, but, I don't remember committing. I do remember what Jesus spoke to me when I was asking Him about it.
(284)don't be deceived-vision received 1-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I'm saved". I don't feel the Holy Ghost coming from her voice. I saw her in other visions and she said things like, "I want into your pants", "bow down", "I'm a backslider", hell".
(285)maybe the Lord Jesus will let me hit the churches again-vision received 1-16-2005-in this vision, I saw the word "visit" appear one letter at a time.
(286)the day will come when russia will attack america-visions received 1-16-2005-twice in visions, I saw a man who looked like russia president putin and he said, "hit the button".
(287)if you are married and divorce and remarry, you are in adultery-vision received 1-16-2005-in this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I need a new husband". In another vision, I saw her and she said, "come and pray".
(288)president dick cheney-vision received 1-16-2005-in this vision, I saw dick cheney and he said, "I'm the new president".
(289)when will she die-vision received 1-16-2005-I was asking Jesus something like if this woman would die when russia attacks america which is america's demise and I saw a man in a vision and he said, "absolutely".
(290)Gods power-vision received 2-4-2005-in this vision, I saw this woman and she said, "we need power".
(291)witness-vision received 2-4-2005-in this vision, I saw the word, "witness", and I heard something like, "it's your witness". It's possible I saw a